About Us
Livelihoods Improvement of Urban Poor Community Project (LIUPCP) of the Local Government Division (LGD), Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives (MoLGRD&C) is being implemented with financial and technical support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Government of Bangladesh and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) of the United Kingdom. It aims to elevate the livelihoods and living conditions of 4 million poor people living in urban areas in up to 36 City Corporations and Paurashava (12 City Corporations and 24 Class A Paurashava). Initiated in August 2018, the project will continue until June 2023.

LIUPCP Digital Healthcare & Micro Insurance Piloting in NCC
LIUPCP has taken an initiative as a pilot in Narayanganj City Corporation considering the learnings from the COVID19 impact and hardship of accessibility of the urban poor to provide access to primary healthcare (24/7) at fingertips using mobile-enabled digital connectivity. This piloting a comprehensive digital healthcare platform with provision for health insurance coverage that fosters easy access to basic healthcare facilities via mobile-enabled connectivity and systems between (i) healthcare seekers, in one hand and (ii) the whole range of healthcare providers: doctors, hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, primary healthcare outreach, NGO providers, health workers, on the other hand. The platform shall be a promoter and provider of mobile phone/app/web based most essential primary healthcare service connectivity for seamless access of both users and providers for consultation, treatment, prescription and so on covering a range of primary healthcare and referral where necessary. Through this piloting, the project will generate proven evidence on digital health care and micro-insurance as the effective elements of universal health coverage as well as livelihoods improvement of urban poor and based on the evidence will do policy advocacy and scaleup.